
Ultimate Vision

What is your ultimate vision? The last on your bucket list? The one you most desire but are fearful of achieving? Where will we end?! More importantly, what are we doing between now… and then? The Destination Like most people of the world, I have a vision of what I aspire to be when I […]


WeCast: The Stone of Balance

Balance is the fifth Stepping Stone… the one to which the Foundation Four lead. This week, kiji tells the story of the Stone of Balance, why it is so important in our lives, and how it connects to the Four Stepping Stones. When we live life in balance, we have control of ourselves. Control of […]


The Coming of the Dark Half

The Autumnal Equinox is one of two days a year during which we have equal amounts of daylight and darkness. It marks the coming of the dark half of the year…   In the time of our First Parents, around the First Fires of all the People around the world, the Elders tracked the movement of […]


WeCast: The Second Two Stepping Stones – Joy & Vision

Joy & Vision are the second two stepping stones. When you learn to master Joy, life opens to a bright and beautiful future. You smile and laugh with the abandon of a child. You have no guilt about being happy and doing the things that enforce that feeling. The future is without bounds, you begin […]


Grace During Adversity

“The best meal of their journey was the gift of men they did not know and would never see again. Like so much on the Sahara, it opened their minds to the unexpected, and to small graces in the midst of adversity.” ~ Skeletons on the Zahara – A True Story of Survival, Dean King   […]


WeCast: The First Two Stepping Stones – Fear & Time

Learn about the first two Stepping Stones, Fear & Time. Until you learn to control Fear, it will continue to control *you.* We talk about 9/11 and the effect it had on our nation as it relates to engendering fear… as well as the brave first responders who are the epitome of how to control […]


Grandmothers & Warriors Sleep Meditation

The Insomniacs Club You’re tired, you’ve had a long and difficult day. All you want to do is sleep. After your usual nighttime ablutions, you are finally ready to climb into bed and get some much needed rest. Nestled into the pillows and covers, lights off, dark and quiet surrounds you. Deep breath. You snuggle […]
