WeCast: Thanksgiving Trivia

This week we share with you trivia facts about the quintessential American tradition of Thanksgiving. What has become a day of gluttony, parades, and huge family get-togethers, really began as a humble coming together of hugely diverse cultures. Test your Thanksgiving wisdom in this fun WeCast. Maybe you’ll learn a few fun facts you can […]


WeCast: A Remote Control for Time

What would you do with a remote that controls time? Would you use it or destroy it; go into the future or past? In this week’s thought-provoking discussion, we contemplate where in the past we would go, with whom we would visit, and whether it is of any benefit to become aware of, or control, […]


Tomorrow Doesn’t Exist Until It Arrives

The Fine Art of Staying Present We’ve all heard the platitudes about the preciousness of time and staying in the moment. It’s easier said than done, isn’t it? Life gets hectic and it’s easy to get wrapped up in our schedules. Trying to “get ahead” – the words themselves! – ensure we are liking towards […]


WeCast: Favorite Ways to Waste Time

What’s your favorite thing to do when you want to do… nothing? Or, should we say, when you want to relax and not have to think about work and obligations. This week we discuss our favorite things to do when it’s time to slow down and do something fun. Everyone has their own unique way […]


One Heartbeat Away…

Happy Beginnings I’m quite certain she knew there would eventually be heartache in the decision to marry a man 20 years her senior. But the love was deep… strong… undeniable. He was so handsome, so very full of life. One of those men that everyone wanted to be near – men and women, children and […]


WeCast: Travel Off the Beaten Path

Do you like to get off the beaten path when you travel? How’s your taste for adventure? This week we talk about some great road travel adventures that will inspire you to take a new look at your feelings on road trips. Where will your path take you? With whom? And when?


Appreciating Nature’s Rhythms

Reverence for Grandmother Earth As someone whose spiritual path reveres and closely follows the wonders of Grandmother Earth and lives closely in the rhythm of nature, I have found myself in a wonderland of nature here in Arizona. The drama is undeniable and, for me, constantly astounding. We’ve been here almost a year now and […]


WeCast: Favorite Food Memories

Do you have a favorite restaurant? Or a particularly fond food memory from childhood? We do! Join us for this week’s quirky conversation in which we talk about childhood memories and how food is connected to joy & happiness. Why not make some plans of your own for the weekend, to relive fond memories and […]


Do You Make a Difference?

Making a difference is part of our mandate in life. It is a goal of achievement that elevates our self esteem, our admiration of our fellow travelers, and most importantly the respect of our Creator. We are taught in the Mide’ way of the Pot of Life, a lesson on the Path to the Veil. […]


WeCast: Beautiful Places We’ve Lived

Where is the most beautiful place you’ve ever lived? How has it effected you and changed your view on life?

This week we discuss the value of finding beauty in the places you live, play, and relax. From the hardwood forests of rural Ohio, to the verdant desert and saguaro forests of Arizona… if you could live anywhere, where would it be?
