WeCast: Favorite Ways to Waste Time

What’s your favorite thing to do when you want to do… nothing? Or, should we say, when you want to relax and not have to think about work and obligations.

This week we discuss our favorite things to do when it’s time to slow down and do something fun. Everyone has their own unique way of “goofing off” and we share with you some of ours.

When was the last time you “chilled?” And what did you do? What’s most rejuvenating for you?

Posted in Fear, Joy, Time, Vision, WeCast and tagged , , , , , , , , , .

The Keepers

Jim Great Elk (kiji) and Kelly Talking Heron (Ashá) are Wisdom Keepers,
who believe everyone walks their own path on the Circle of Life.

Through the Powaka Experience, you master four basic Stepping Stones to
your center… where you learn to Walk in Balance and discover Your Destiny.