Thoughts on a Tattered Road Map Called Life

During these convoluted times, most of us have in some way or another, reflected on where we are, how we got here and what’s next. At the WeWán Institute we have likewise been contemplating these and many other important questions. The questions and the answers we find, will be pivotal for the future of each […]


Grandpa Grew Roses

Grandpa George loved flowers. More specifically, he loved to grow flowers. In the summer, he grew gladiolas, snap dragons, zinnias, dahlias, asters, in every color of the rainbow. But the pride and joy of my grandfather’s flower garden were the roses. There were long stemmed, clusters, white, red, peach, pink, lavender, and yellow. They lined the perimeter of the little patch of lawn we had at the back of our house. He tended to those rose bushes like they were his children.
