“Chance encounters open doors to success and friendships.”

Today’s world is bombarded with information from many sources, social, broadcast, print and network media, email, snail mail, and face to face conversations. Each offers a tumultuous collection of information, entertainment and… conflict.

My advice is simple, keep being the Who that you are and practice understanding. Try to grasp why and how others are thinking.

I read a disturbing message from a friend the other day that revealed this in a way I had never considered. My friend was always cheerful and helping, but in her note she shared she was deeply conflicted and hurting. She was seeking help eliminating these negative thoughts, and more importantly knew she must get back on the right path. We chatted and she refocused…

I had no idea…. we don’t know what ill is interrupting other people’s path to peace. My advice is simple, keep being the Who that you are and practice understanding. Try to grasp why and how others are thinking. By doing so, you can better understand and be less judgmental. Be a beacon for others to find their path.This keeps us in Our Center Place… when all around seems in doubt.

Believe in yourself, define your path, and walk it.




On Sale through the Month of September! Save 25%!

The above is an excerpt from, Quiet Autumn Moments ~ Daily Reflections to Harvest Your Growth. Quiet Autumn Moments is a collection of daily thoughts for meditation. They will energize and enlighten your spirit with insights rooted in Ancient Wisdom, written for the contemporary reader. By our Elders spoken word and their traditions observed, they are the genesis for this book. Use this book to begin or end your autumn days with short, positive, thought-provoking ideas to ponder.


Look for it on Amazon. Along with our other books:

Posted in Fear, Joy, Time, Vision and tagged , , , , , , .

The Keepers

Jim Great Elk (kiji) and Kelly Talking Heron (Ashá) are Wisdom Keepers,
who believe everyone walks their own path on the Circle of Life.

Through the Powaka Experience, you master four basic Stepping Stones to
your center… where you learn to Walk in Balance and discover Your Destiny.