“Ye are who ye come from.” “Why do I care what they did or what they looked like? That doesn’t affect anything in my life now.” “I don’t understand why you spend so much time tracking down dead people. How is that relevant?” “I have no interest in my genealogy. I don’t really care where […]
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Zi’igwan, The Shortest Day
The Rhythm of the Sun In the time before the pale ones, from a far away place where the sun awakes, came to our lands – when our world changed forever – we had in our culture, times and places for all things. The sun and the moon were then, as always, our guides for […]
More...Do You Make a Difference?
Making a difference is part of our mandate in life. It is a goal of achievement that elevates our self esteem, our admiration of our fellow travelers, and most importantly the respect of our Creator. We are taught in the Mide’ way of the Pot of Life, a lesson on the Path to the Veil. […]